The category list contains various features in the µTorrent client, including the list of torrent jobs, labels and apps. The category list's visibility can be toggled by selecting "Options" then "Show Category List" in the main menus, or by pressing F7 on the keyboard. The last selected category before µTorrent is exited will be automatically selected on the next start. Numbers in the parentheses next to the category name indicate the number of torrent jobs there are listed under the respective category. The treeview is composed of the following default categories:
Find Content is a page that shows on first run with a search box and a few default search providers, directing users to find content for their client.
Featured Content Replaces the main view with a Web-like pane of featured content.
Torrents applies no filters and displays all torrent jobs in your client.
Downloading only shows torrent jobs that are not finished or completed.
Seeding only shows torrent jobs that were completed and are now seeding.
Completed displays all torrent jobs that have finished downloading.
Active only shows torrent jobs that are actively being transferred, whether it is downloading or seeding. Torrent jobs must be downloading at rates above the value specified by queue.slow_dl_threshold or uploading at rates above the value specified by queue.slow_ul_threshold to be considered active.
Inactive only shows torrent jobs that are not being actively transferred. This includes all torrent jobs that are stopped, waiting in the queue, or are started, but downloading at rates below the value specified by queue.slow_dl_threshold and uploading at rates below the value specified by queue.slow_ul_threshold.
Labels applies no filters and displays all torrent jobs in your client. Underneath this item is the list of all labels on your client.
No Label will display all torrent jobs that have no labels set.
Feeds will display the RSS items from all RSS feeds. Underneath this item is the list of all feeds on your client.
Devices will display a view all all the paired-devices that you have added.
Apps will display the list of featured apps from the BitTorrent app store. Underneath this item is the list of all apps installed on your client.
User-added labels will appear in the category list immediately below "No Label". Torrent jobs with labels will be displayed under their corresponding label. Standard labels are removed from the category list as soon as there are no torrent jobs using them.
Not all categories are mutually exclusive, so if you have a torrent job that has no labels, and is inactive, it will show up in both the "Inactive" category, and the "No Label" category. Multiple categories can be selected by holding Shift or Ctrl while left-clicking on a category. Holding Shift will select all categories in between the first selected category and the last selected one. Holding Ctrl allows you to select (or deselect) specific categories that aren't necessarily adjacent to each other.
RSS feeds are displayed at the bottom of the category list (below the labels). When an RSS feed is selected, the torrent jobs list is filled with torrents as listed in the RSS feed. Torrent jobs added from a feed are also listed in their respective source feeds.
Context Menu
If you right-click on an item in the category list, you'll see a context menu. They are described in the following list:
- Add Torrent... prompts you for the location of the .torrent file that you are trying to open on disk. If you set a default download location, the torrent job will automatically be added to the torrent jobs list and started (if you did not set µTorrent to start torrent jobs in stopped mode). If you did not set a default download location, you will be prompted where you would like to save the torrent contents, with the Add New Torrent dialog being shown by default.
- Add RSS Feed... opens up the Add RSS Feed dialog, where you can add RSS feeds for µTorrent to monitor.
- Transfer to.. transfer contents to any of the connected paired-devices.
- Torrent Options displays select menu items from the torrent jobs list context menu, and behave identically to their torrent jobs list context menu counterparts. These menu items show up only if there are torrent jobs selected in the torrent jobs list.
- RSS Feed Options displays options for the RSS feed, and show up only if RSS items are selected in the torrent jobs list. If "All Feeds" item is right-clicked, the selected action is applied on every feed.
- RSS Downloader opens up the RSS Downloader dialog.
- Update Feed allows you to perform a manual reload of the selected RSS feed(s). Refrain from using this repeatedly in rapid succession, as hammering the RSS feed's server won't make the feed be updated with new items any more quickly, and you run the chance of causing the server to fail. In short, do not abuse this feature.
- Enable/Disable Feed enables or disables the RSS feed updating for the selected feed(s).
- Edit Feed... opens up the Edit RSS Feed dialog, where you can edit the properties of the selected RSS feed(s). If multiple feeds are selected, µTorrent will open an edit dialog for each feed one at a time, opening another dialog for the next feed only after the current feed's edit dialog is closed.
- Delete Feed removes the RSS feed from the list.
- Clear Feed History removes all entries in the RSS Downloader's History tab that came from the selected feed(s).
- Torrent Options displays select menu items from the torrent jobs list context menu,
and behave identically to their torrent jobs list context menu
counterparts. These menu items show up only if there are torrent jobs
selected in the torrent jobs list for the relevant RSS feed(s).